Special procedures for regulated professions
Do you work in the nursing, welding, engineering or teaching sectors? Québec has several professional orders and regulatory bodies in place to protect the public and to supervise key professions like these.
Regulated professions in Québec
Many professions are regulated in Québec. The Conseil Interprofessionnel du Québec consists of 54 professions that are overseen by 46 existing professional orders, for a total of 390,000 members. Before moving to Québec, consult the Qualifications Québec website (in French) to see if the profession or trade you’re looking to practice is governed by an organization. 
If you find a position on the Talent Montréal job portal that is governed by a professional order in Montréal, there’s a good chance that the employer recruiting you will guide you in your steps toward being formally hired. Note that if your spouse or partner will be joining you in Québec, they may also be involved in the process. 

Do you want to know if your occupation (or that of your spouse or partner) is among the professions governed by a professional order in the province - and to find the contact information for the order concerning you?
Agreements for recognition of regulated professions
Good news! Thanks to mutual recognition agreements, including the Québec-France Agreement and the Washington Accord for engineers, it will be easier and faster for you to legally practice a regulated profession in Québec. Whatever your profession, there are a host of available positions in most major sectors in Greater Montréal. 
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