A multi-sector recruitment mission Take part in this recruitment mission, allowing experienced workers from Lebanon to meet employers from Greater Montréal and Québec. 

The mission will take place online, and all interviews will be conducted via videoconference.

Is your enterprise looking for the best candidates?

Don't miss this unique opportunity to recruit talent from Lebanon, a fast-growing regional hub. With its diversified economy, highly qualified workforce, and strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, Lebanon offers a pool of candidates suited for Greater Montréal companies.

You live in Lebanon and want to move to Montréal?

Every year, hundreds of international talent choose the peacefulness and excitement of Greater Montréal for their new life projects. Elevate your career and enjoy an exceptional quality of life!
Important dates to remember
  • October-November, 2024: Application period and candidates' selection by employers 
  • December 9 to 13th, 2024: Online interviews

Candidates: Apply online on the Journées Québec platform

More details to come.

Employers: Contact our team today

Register your company today.