In Québec, you can choose from a wide variety of daycare centres to take care of your little ones, giving you peace of mind while you go about your day. Make sure you start searching for a spot as early as you can, so you can narrow down the daycares that best fit you and put your name on different waiting lists.
To make parents’ lives easier, Québec provides a central registration system that gives you access to various registered daycare systems. Thanks to this convenient online service, you can check out all the daycare centres near you in just a few clicks. Get started on the Place 0-5 website.
Watch this video (in French) to learn more about the daycare facilities and their features in Greater Montréal.
Have you heard about Québec’s affordable daycare charge per day? This government project, which launched in 1997, is a strong source of pride for Quebecers, giving children across the province access to quality daycare at an affordable rate.
ECCs are non-profit organizations that provide educational childcare. Adult-to-child ratios are regulated and the majority of educators working at these organizations hold a diploma in early childhood education. With an approach designed to stimulate the overall development of little ones, they help prevent learning difficulties along with behavioural and social issues.
Still have fond memories of your favourite babysitter when you were young and want to offer the same experience to your little ones? Home childcare services provide kids with a warm and intimate environment that’s close to their home experience.
Home childcare services, as the name suggests, are run out of private residences. The vast majority of home childcare providers (HCPs) are recognized by a Home Childcare Coordinating Office. HCPs are self-employed and can choose their own clients.
If your kids are old enough to go to school but still too young to leave alone, school daycare services can offer a reliable and convenient solution. They’re designed to take care of young children before classes, during lunch hour and after classes. Some schools also provide daycare services on PA (professional activity days), during school holidays, and during spring or winter break.
These daycares are located on the school premises and are managed by school boards in collaboration with the school administration. They’re generally focused on fun recreational activities, giving kids the chance to take a break from the books!
If you get accepted into a non-subsidized daycare, find out about the advance tax credit for childcare expenses.