A major healthcare industry

Healthcare is at the heart of Québec’s priorities, and the sector is evolving hand in hand with the community. Thanks to favourable demographics, strong government support and major healthcare innovations, the industry’s future is bright.
All signs point to growth Québec’s healthcare system is developing every day. Demographic growth and the aging population are compelling the industry to take action to meet the growing demand. The creation of new positions, coupled with major government investments, promises to improve healthcare and better meet the needs of a diverse client base. As a result, there will be numerous jobs to be filled over the next few years.
Leading the way in healthcare tech Health is the future—and Greater Montréal knows it. The region is at the cutting edge of technological research and development. And new infrastructure developments like the new McGill hospital (MUHC) and Université de Montréal (CHUM and CHU Sainte-Justine) hospitals are leading the way. Now more than ever, the industry has the support it needs to ensure successful business collaborations. 

Montréal is home to a host of complementary fields that help drive progress, from biopharmaceuticals, diagnostics and medical devices to health technologies and artificial intelligence.
Meet Alexia, an accomplished nurse living on Montréal’s South Shore
Join a vast and diverse sector In Québec, the field of health and social services offers a wide range of opportunities for care providers—in hospital centres (CHs), residential and long-term care centres (CHSLDs), local community service centres (CLSCs), rehabilitation centres (CRs) and child and youth protection centres (CPEJ), as well as private clinics.
Jobs in high demand
  • Nurse
  • Clinical nurse
  • Beneficiary attendant (nurse aide)
  • Specialized nurse practitioner 
  • Orthoptist
  • Institutional pharmacist 
  • Psychologist 
  • Medical assistant
Companies recruiting
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